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07 november 2016

Decofresh supports foundation in Kenya

KENYA – Matti Arielle is one of three directors of Decofresh Roses Kenya Ltd and Decofresh Holland Aalsmeer. The organisation is targeted at marketing and processing of exclusive roses from Kenya, produced in the Rift Valley.

Joep Derksen

'At the Rift Valley we closely cooperate with nine nurseries (almost 300 hectare of roses), located near the town of Nakuru, a two hours drive from Nairobi', explains Matti. 'My laptop was stolen in Kenya and therefore I could not do anything. In the hotel lobby I happened to meet the British Farah Mushtaq, who coordinates a charity organisation. She lent me her laptop and when I would be finished I could leave it at the reception. I found that very special; we always remained friends.'


'Farah Mushtaq is working on two projects for the foundation Jimmy Roots; one in Thailand and one in Kenya', informs Matti. 'The one in Kenya (Nakuru) makes sure that all orphans who live in the 'slums' on a landfill receive free education via football. The children who live there just love football and they are allowed to practice and play under the condition that they go to school. The trainers, who are all volunteers, receive a small reimbursement, based on the number of pupils who show up. So this motivates everybody to take it serious. When I returned to Kenya and visited a training, I noticed that the children were playing barefoot or with broken shoes. I have two children of my own, who practise sports and they regularly need new pairs of shoes. It is the same with these children. That's how my idea started to discuss this with sport clubs in the Netherlands.'


'My wife Erica is active in the parent council of elementary school Het Bolwerk in Sassenheim and she got tremendous support from the entire school. All children helped collecting and within a short period of time we had shoes, shirts and money as well. Through our company we received help from (football club) Ter Leede, L.J. Sport and a football club in Pijnacker. We collected almost 500 pairs of football and sport shoes, a few hundred Ter Leede shirts and other football related articles. With the help of 'Keuhne & Nagel Cargo Nederland en Kenia' we brought these shoes and clothing to Kenya.'

We experienced the biggest threshold with the Kenyan customs, but that became resolved. The children were extremely happy with their colourful shoes and shirts. The all felt like they were Messi and walked around deliriously happy. The faces and tears of the teachers and coordinators made it even more beautiful. With the 1,200 Euro we can support the foundation for one whole year and with extra assistance from the Kenyan nurseries Omang Roses' and Amor Roses, thirty children will receive free training.


'I am convinced that this kind of project can be expanded tremendously. With the support of a lot more football clubs in the Netherlands and other foundations in Keny. Unfortunately I lack the time to realise this. I don't have enough people and finances to get the goods to Kenya. I will continue with collecting football shoes and toys on a small scale. These I will pack in my suitcases to take with me on my way to Kenya. Additionally, our company Decofresh will keep on supporting the foundation in Kenya.'